
We are looking for individuals who would like to help increase the organization’s visibility and strengthen the Haitian presence in Metro Detroit. We welcome everyone regardless of age, race, gender or nationality. All that’s required is a strong love for Haiti and the desire to help others discover and appreciate the richness and the uniqueness of the Haitian culture.

There are several ways that you can help:

  • Become a member: the annual membership fee is only $35 and you can pay for it on the HNGD website. Students can join for free!
  • Volunteer on different committees or during HNGD events. Volunteers are essential to the success of our projects. Contact us or Send us an email at [email protected].
  • Become a Sponsor — for our big events, such as the bi-annual Bèl Bagay Lakay Festival.
  • Donate to the different HNGD support projects.

Thank you to our 2022 Bèl Bagay Lakay Festival sponsors below.

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