Watch interview below:
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Message from the Board: Earthquake in Haiti
Dear Friends,
Our Haiti Chérie has received another major blow. It looks like our beloved country cannot get a break! Once it gets over one hurdle, another one pops up.
HNGD will not be discouraged, and we know that you won’t either! We must remain strong and continue to fight for the sake of those who are affected by the recent earthquake and for the rest of the country as well.
We thank those of you who have already reached out to enquire about donations. HNGD has joined forces with Lend a Hand Haiti based in Florida and we are diligently working to come up with an efficient plan to send funds and goods to the victims of the earthquake. We will update you as soon as we have all the details worked out.
In the meanwhile, keep Haiti and its people in your prayers; they need it more than ever!
Thank you for caring!
The HNGD Board
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Haitian Network Group of Detroit (HNGD) & Caribbean Community Service Center (CCSC) stand in solidarity with the people of Haiti
On July 7 2021, the world woke up to the horrific news of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse’s assassination that took place in his home in Pèlerin, Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Regardless of one’s political belief or affiliation, this treacherous attack on democracy represents a gigantic setback not only for Haitians back home, but also for humanity.
Caribbean Community Service Center (CCSC) and Haitian Network Group of Detroit (HNGD) stand in solidarity with the people of Haiti both locally and abroad as they attempt to recuperate from this tragedy.

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Coronavirus Message from the HNGD Board
Dear Friends,
The Coronavirus has taken all of us by surprise forcing us into self-isolation and wondering when and how it will all end. We have lost many things that a month ago we took for granted: loved ones, job, freedom to come and go as we please, a sense of control and so much more!
Do not despair this difficult moment will pass. Until then, try your best to make the most of this forced confinement; read the book that you never got to finish, play more with your children, call, text or chat with long lost friends, remind to you are close to how much you love them, go for walks in non-crowded areas, catch-up on movies, laugh, joke. Bottom line keep busy, keep living and stop focusing on the bad news that you are being bombarded with!
What is equally important is how we respond to this crisis; not as individuals, but as caring members of an amazing community. We implore you to remain calm, think of those in need while protecting yourself and those around you. Check on your friends, neighbors, those who are at risk, the elderly and the weak. Remember to keep in your prayers those who died alone, and their family members who are not able to grieve in a way that will bring them closure. Take time to thank the front-line workers who are seeing firsthand the magnitude of the devastation caused by COVID-19.
Remind yourself that where there is hope there is life. We are all in his together and we will come out stronger!
Stay safe, stay connected , stay strong!
The Board of Haitian Network Group

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In this section, HNGD provides links to peer reviewed scholarly articles pertaining to Haiti, its culture, history, people, politics and/or society from various academic disciplines.

Read Professor Marlene Daut’s article : “The Wrongful Death of Toussaint Louverture.”
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Annual Soup Joumou Event
Celebrate Haiti’s 217 years of independence while savoring Soup Joumou and Patés! January 17th, 2021 – 2pm – 4pm.
Because of the restrictions around COVID-19, we will only offer curside pickup.
RSVP REQUIRED by January 12th at 248-514-6494 or [email protected]
There is no cost for this event, however donations are welcome.
The 2021 Soup Joumou event is supported by the Bèl Bagay Lakay Haitian Art & Craft Festival.
We look forward to seeing you on January 17th! The HNGD Board.

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2020 Census Haitian Coalition Video
A coalition of Haitian-led organizations across 12 states have come together to urge all Haitians in the United States to be counted by completing the 2020 Census. It’s important for your family and our community.”
View and listen to the video message below:
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Black Lives Matter
As an Organization that prides itself on our Haitian Heritage, Haitian Network Group of Detroit is committed to supporting the Black Lives Matter movement and the changes that are necessary to make our respective communities safe for everyone. During this time, we encourage everyone to remember and reflect on the words “L’union fait la force” . “Unity makes strength” is a motto that is as important today as when it was first inscribed on the Haitian flag.
The Murder of George Floyd and the subsequent rallies calling for justice for those who do not have a voice is reminiscent of the time when slaves took charge of their destiny by rebelling against their French masters and ultimately creating a free state in 1804. We, the HNGD Board, unequivocally support those seeking justice for being targeted because of the color of their skin.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Enjoy pics and videos from the 2019 Bèl Bagay Lakay Festival
This 2-day free outdoor event was designed to give Metro Detroit residents an opportunity to experience the uniqueness of Haitian culture through art, crafts, food, dance and music.
- Click here to check out pictures of events from photographer Christina Graham
- View children activities video by Christina Graham
- Click here to view additional pictures on our Facebook page.
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Interview with Best Selling Author, Mitch Albom about festival

Listen to interview about the 2019 Bèl Bagay Lakay Festival on 760 WJR with best selling author, journalist and radio and television broadcaster, Mitch Albom and HNGD’s Margareth Corkery.
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